6 Ways to Increase Your Online Conversion Rate

If you want to increase your website con­ver­sion rate, you have to help buyers over­come their pro­cras­ti­na­tion.

Buyers don’t pro­cras­tinate out of lazi­ness. If they’re pro­cras­ti­nat­ing, they’re usu­ally afraid of part­ing with their hard earned cash and not receiv­ing full value for their money.  Re-check your website copy to ensure that you:

1. Have mate­r­ial that pre­emp­tively answers buyer ques­tions and concerns

2. Use risk rever­sals, or at the very least a guarantee

3. Employ user reviews, or at least have authen­tic sound­ing testimonials

4. Pro­vide ade­quate sub­stan­ti­a­tion and proof for your claims

5. Demon­strate that your prod­uct deliv­ers ben­e­fits

6. Reveal your com­pany to be solid, rep­utable, and trust­wor­thy on your About Us page

(Read original article 2 Steps to Beating Buyer Procrastination by Jeff Sexton, Wizard of Ads Partner at JeffSextonWrites.com)