“I’ve done everything possible to create good relationships with my clients,” a physician announced during one of my seminars. “I’ve decorated my office with marble pillars and resort-style furniture. I’ve painted the rooms soothing colours and have a Japanese fountain in the waiting room to calm the nerves. There is a variety of magazines on the coffee table that appeal to different personalities. I even have a cappuccino corner where patients can make themselves a beverage. I’ve covered all the bases. You can’t possibly add anything — there’s nothing left?”
I let his statement hang, then asked, “How long do your patients have to sit in the waiting room before they see you?”
Patients want a doctor who is on time.
What is the biggest complaint about your industry?
Find it, then fix it.
Give customers what they really want, and watch your business grow.
(Original article by Michele Miller, Wizard of Ads Partner at WonderBranding.com)