How to Create a Winning Ad Copy Strategy


Writing great copy is brain-dead simple when you have something powerful to say.

And having something powerful to say is the result of a winning strategy.

So before you write a single word of ad copy, develop your strategy.

Follow these 4 steps.

1. Declare your core values and beliefs.

2. Define how you plan to position your product for greatest impact.

3. Identify the felt need of your customer. One that you are willing and able to meet.

4. Deliver what you promise. There cannot be any gaps between what you say and what you do. Your staff must live up to the promises you make in your advertising. And so must your products and services. So fix your products and customer experience before you start advertising.

Now you are ready to write.

Adapted from "The One Thing You Must Do Before Writing Ad Copy"
Original article & video by Wizard of Ads Partner, Tom Wanek
Adapted by Craig Arthur, Wizard of Ads Australia