How To Magically Lose Weight, Get Up Earlier, Have More Money, And Write A Book

“Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
Being willing is not enough; we must do.”
-Leonardo Da Vinci

In the last thirty days, I submitted a second draft of our next book, lost ten pounds, started getting up earlier, and I have more money in the bank!

I’m telling you: IT! CAN! HAPPEN!

How To Magically Lose Weight
Eat less.
Sweat more.

How To Magically Get Up Earlier
Set your alarm for earlier.
Get out of bed when it goes off.

How To Magically Have More Money
Spend less.
Find ways to earn more.

How To Magically Write A Book
Sit at a keyboard.

Now, It’s Your Turn
Decide what you want to do.
Say “no” to other stuff.
Do the work.
Sometimes the work is hard.
Do it anyway.

Adapted from How To Magically Lose Weight, Get Up Earlier, Have More Money, And Write A Book
Original article by Wizard of Ads Partner, Tim Miles @ Miles&Co  

Adapted by Craig Arthur, Wizard of Ads Australia